a miniature figure representing Matthew

Hi, I'm Matthew

I like building interactive, gif displaying responsive web design responsive, and WAVE tool accessibility report for this site accessible things for the web!

Some Of My Work

quote saying Work Work from a warcraft peon
Thumbnail of my Wordle React JS project

React Wordle

It's the hit game Wordle, but better?! If you want to play more than once just refresh the page! I built this using Reactjs, and added accessibility features like changing font sizes to help users with visual impairments such as color blindness.

  • ReactJS
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
Thumbnail of my Become a Dasher front-end clone project

Front-End Clone

The goal here was to replicate a corporation's web page just by looking at it using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I highly recommend this type of self-challenge activity to anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge and skills in front-end development.

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
Thumbnail of my weather forecast project

4Cast Weather App

4Cast, get it? Weather FOREcast and it's the current weather along with the next 3 days so 4 days... Dad jokes can be made anywhere! The idea was to fetch forecast data from an API and display the data in a more understandable format for users!

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML
Thumbnail of my space invaders project

Space Invaders(ish)

The HTML canvas element is used to build the game area while giving JavaScript the ability to "draw" objects such as enemies, projectiles, and the player's ship. With keyboard controls and static sizing, this project has not been optimized for mobile / touch screen.

  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • HTML

Let's Chat!

Whether you're looking for a developer to work with, or just want to chat about the amazing world of web / software development, feel free to send me an email!

animated version of Matthew's face, made to appear as a sticker

You can also check me out on LinkedIn and GitHub: